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Found 25 items.
Meteo-climatic analysis during the period 1984 - 2014 in Rome area (Central Italy)
Published: 30 December 20151045PDF: 968 -
Climate and land use changes as origin of the Water Cycle variations and sediment transport in Pesaro Urbino Province, Central and Eastern Italy
Published: 3 October 2016981PDF: 600 -
Analysis of drought conditions and their effects on Lake Trasimeno (Central Italy) levels
Published: 16 August 20161201PDF: 776 -
Groundwater response to precipitation extremes: the case of the "Vaia" storm (Eastern Italian Alps)
Published: 19 December 20191115PDF: 689 -
Groundwater-surface water interaction revealed by meteorological trends and groundwater fluctuations on stream water level
Published: 28 June 2022861PDF: 732 -
LIFE+ TRUST project: tool to assist the implementation of the Framework Directive 2000/60/CE, methodology and results
Published: 30 September 2014867PDF: 462 -
Geochemical evolution of groundwater in carbonate aquifers of southern Latium region, central Italy
Published: 30 March 2013974PDF: 519 -
MAR site suitability mapping for arid–semiarid regions by remote data and combined approach: A case study from Balochistan, Pakistan
Published: 29 September 20211807PDF: 826 -
Mapping natural groundwater potential recharge zones using GIS-AHP in the Upper Cheliff alluvial aquifer, Algeria
Published: 28 March 2024494PDF: 334 -
Preliminary results on the response of some springs of the Sibillini Mountains area to the 2016-2017 seismic sequence
Published: 30 March 2020715PDF: 435 -
Multidisciplinary investigations of a karst reservoir for managed aquifer recharge applications on the island of Vis (Croatia)
Published: 31 March 20221131PDF: 608 -
Groundwater sustainability in the Friuli Plain
Published: 27 September 2023516PDF: 319 -
Hydrogeochemical and hydrodynamic features affecting redox processes in groundwater
Published: 30 September 20191159PDF: 602 -
Applying the Principal Component Analysis for a deeper understanding of the groundwater system: case study of the Bacchiglione Basin (Veneto, Italy)
Published: 28 June 2022871PDF: 649 -
Hydrogeochemical evolution and mineralization origin in a semi-arid shallow aquifer: a case study of the Barika area in northeast Algeria
Published: 28 June 2023748PDF: 493 -
Groundwater potential in Sierra Leone
Published: 30 June 20181271PDF: 446 -
A statistical approach for describing coastal karst aquifer: the case of the Salento aquifer (Southern Italy)
Published: 30 December 2024184PDF: 73 -
Resilience to climate change: adaptation strategies for the water supply system of Formia and Gaeta (Province of Latina, Central Italy)
Published: 29 December 202113225PDF: 382 -
Multivariate statistical analysis of the alluvial aquifer of Tadjenanet-Chelghoum Laid (Eastern Algeria)
Published: 28 June 2023522PDF: 369 -
The integration of geochemical and isotopic approaches for thermo-mineral water characterization: the case of Tebessa (North Eastern Algeria)
Published: 28 June 2023643PDF: 507
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