Search Results
Found 146 items.
Hydrogeological site characterization of marly-silici-calcareous rocks through surveys of discontinuities and pumping tests
Published: 30 June 20121001PDF: 1069 -
Sustainable yield of the Colle Quartara carbonate aquifer in the Southern Lepini Mountains (Central Italy)
Published: 3 October 2016971PDF: 462 -
Hydrostructural setting of Riardo Plain: effects on Ferrarelle mineral water type
Published: 3 October 20161235PDF: 1555 -
A proposal of conceptual model for Pertuso Spring discharge evaluation in the Upper Valley of Aniene River
Published: 3 October 20161029PDF: 466 -
Groundwater monitoring in the archaeological site of Ostia Antica (Rome, Italy): first results
Published: 14 June 20161697PDF: 881 -
Preliminary conceptual model of an Alpine carbonate aquifer (Pale di San Martino, Dolomites, Italy)
Published: 12 August 20162586PDF: 652 -
Groundwater Flow and Transport Model in Cecina Plain (Tuscany, Italy) using GIS processing
Published: 30 March 2015938PDF: 705 -
Geothermal characterization of the coastal aquifer near Ravenna (Italy)
Published: 30 December 2012893PDF: 882 -
Field and modeling studies of aquifer heterogeneity to improve remediation planning in a multilayered aquifer system
Published: 30 September 2012924PDF: 675 -
Ammonium natural attenuation in complex hydrogeological settings: insights from a multi-isotope approach
Published: 15 December 20171004PDF: 479 -
Numerical modeling of the groundwater flow in the fractured and karst aquifer of the Salento peninsula (Southern Italy)
Published: 30 March 20131030PDF: 757 -
Managed aquifer recharge in the Marecchia alluvial fan (Rimini - Italy), start of the test and first results
Published: 30 September 2014759PDF: 441 -
Sequential direct and inverse modeling of underground flows in the Upper Cheliff Alluvial Aquifer, Algeria
Published: 4 December 2023263PDF: 292 -
Potential shallow aquifers characterization through an integrated geophysical method: multivariate approach by means of k-means algorithms
Published: 30 June 20171567PDF: 684 -
Heat exchange modeling in a multilayered karst aquifer affected by seawater intrusion
Published: 30 November 2015904PDF: 740 -
Contribution to the hydrogeology of Six Hills sandstone aquifer in East El-Oweinat area, south Western desert, Egypt
Published: 30 September 2019892PDF: 518 -
Multi-isotope and Hydrogeochemical approach for characterizing Saturnia thermal groundwater (Grosseto, Italy)
Published: 30 December 20131082PDF: 955 -
Hydraulic characterization of Pwales aquifer in Malta Island preparatory for planning managed aquifer recharge (MAR) pilot plant
Published: 28 March 2024598PDF: 269 -
Groundwater conservation and monitoring activities in the middle Brenta River plain (Veneto Region, Northern Italy): preliminary results about aquifer recharge
Published: 30 September 2014990PDF: 562 -
The riverbank filtration plant in S. Alessio (Lucca): monitoring and modeling activity within EU the FP7 MARSOL project
Published: 30 September 2014789PDF: 387 -
Vulsino volcanic aquifer in Umbria Region : Hydrogeological survey for the characterization of the presence of arsenic and aluminium and the correct use of groundwater
Published: 30 December 20131126PDF: 616 -
Geology of groundwater occurrences of the Lower Cretaceus sandstone aquifer in East Central Sinai, Egypt
Published: 20 October 2016949PDF: 862 -
Multidisciplinary investigations of a karst reservoir for managed aquifer recharge applications on the island of Vis (Croatia)
Published: 31 March 20221125PDF: 608 -
Heat transport modeling for the design of a low enthalpy open-loop system
Published: 30 December 2012826PDF: 1418 -
Groundwater - Geothermal preliminary model of the Acque Albule Basin (Rome): future perspectives of geothermal resources exploitation
Published: 30 December 20131003PDF: 664 -
Managed aquifer recharge experiences with shallow wells: first analysis of the experimental activities in the high Vicenza plain (Northern Italy)
Published: 30 September 2014857PDF: 465 -
Groundwater flow numerical model to evaluate the water mass balance and flow patterns in Groundwater Circulation Wells (GCW) with varying aquifer parameters
Published: 12 September 20221569PDF: 561 -
Groundwater modeling of the withdrawal sustainability of Cannara artesian aquifer (Umbria, Italy)
Published: 25 September 20181092PDF: 551 -
Occurrence and flow of groundwater in crystalline rocks of Sardinia and Calabria (Italy): an overview of current knowledge
Published: 15 June 20161299PDF: 881 -
Using water level and temperature time series to improve hydrogeological parameterization in a complex alluvial system
Published: 20 December 2019882PDF: 532 -
Multivariate statistical analysis of the alluvial aquifer of Tadjenanet-Chelghoum Laid (Eastern Algeria)
Published: 28 June 2023516PDF: 366 -
Groundwater sustainability in the Friuli Plain
Published: 27 September 2023511PDF: 317 -
Slovenian test case Vrbanski Plato aquifer in the EU HORIZON 2020 FREEWAT project
Published: 29 September 20172857PDF: 398 -
Remediation of BTEX contaminated groundwater: best technology assessment between pump&treat and bioremediation by oxygen injection
Published: 30 June 2012849PDF: 632 -
The future of Managed Aquifer Recharge in Italy: the European FPVII MARSOL Project and the European Innovation Partnership on Water Mar to Market
Published: 30 September 2014827PDF: 1344 -
The groundwater intrinsic vulnerability map of S. Eufemia Lamezia Plain (Calabria)
Published: 30 June 2013738PDF: 1027 -
Mapping natural groundwater potential recharge zones using GIS-AHP in the Upper Cheliff alluvial aquifer, Algeria
Published: 28 March 2024476PDF: 326 -
LIFE+ TRUST project: tool to assist the implementation of the Framework Directive 2000/60/CE, methodology and results
Published: 30 September 2014867PDF: 462 -
Mapping saltwater intrusion via Electromagnetic Induction for planning a Managed Aquifer Recharge facility in Maltese island
Published: 28 March 2024703PDF: 325 -
A statistical approach for describing coastal karst aquifer: the case of the Salento aquifer (Southern Italy)
Published: 30 December 2024103PDF: 49 -
An overview on the state of art on IAH coastal aquifer dynamics and coastal zone website
Published: 26 March 20191311PDF: 461 -
Hydrogeological and geochemical overview of the karst aquifers in the Apuan Alps (Northwestern Tuscany, Italy)
Published: 14 June 20161304PDF: 754 -
Understanding karst environments by thermo-hygrometric monitoring: preliminary results from the Cesi Mountain karst system (Central Italy)
Published: 14 June 20161111PDF: 655 -
Environmental hydrochemical and stabile isotope methods used to characterise the relation between karst water and surface water
Published: 31 March 20171271PDF: 690 -
Water quality aspects from Spanish sites to support managed aquifer recharge (MAR) guidelines not based on maximum allowable concentration standards
Published: 28 March 2024562PDF: 310SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL 1: 103SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL 2: 99 -
Hydraulic contacts identification in the aquifers of limestone ridges: tracer tests in the Montelago pilot area (Central Apennines)
Published: 12 August 20161150PDF: 681 -
Preliminary groundwater modelling by considering the interaction with superficial water: Aosta plain case (northern Italy)
Published: 30 March 2013911PDF: 603 -
Hydrogeochemical evolution and mineralization origin in a semi-arid shallow aquifer: a case study of the Barika area in northeast Algeria
Published: 28 June 2023739PDF: 487 -
Water quality caracterization of Drean-Annaba aquifer (NE Algeria): using hydrochemical and isotopic tools
Published: 30 December 2024138PDF: 61 -
A preliminary assessment of the Normative Framework regulating MAR schemes in Europe: the EU Directives and their Implementation in nine National Legislations
Published: 30 September 2014772PDF: 484 -
The H2O20 FREEWAT participated approach for the Follonica-Scarlino aquifer case study. A common space to generate shared knowledge on the value of water
Published: 29 September 20171023PDF: 409 -
Numerical simulation of seawater intrusion in the lower Seybouse aquifer system, Algeria
Published: 28 June 20232019PDF: 499 -
Forested infiltration areas (FIA); principles, experiences, perspectives
Published: 30 September 2014930PDF: 821 -
An integrated approach to the Environmental Monitoring Plan of the Pertuso spring (Upper Valley of Aniene River)
Published: 30 June 2014804PDF: 375 -
Specific yield of aquifer evaluation by means of a new experimental algorithm and its applications
Published: 29 March 20181505PDF: 787 -
Impact of climatic variability on groundwater resources in the Eastern Mitidja plain, Algeria
Published: 31 March 2023745PDF: 456 -
Relationship between rainfall and water table in a coastal aquifer: the case study of Castelporziano presidential estate
Published: 26 March 20191056PDF: 534 -
Modelling groundwater recharge in an alluvial aquifer of Somaliland with the groundwater flow model YAGmod
Published: 30 March 20131079PDF: 792 -
Determining initial viability of local scale managed aquifer recharge projects in alluvial deposition systems
Published: 24 June 20211303PDF: 542 -
Recharge process of a dune aquifer (Roman coast, Italy)
Published: 20 December 20181377PDF: 758 -
Preliminary identification of areas suitable for Sustainable Drainage Systems and Managed Aquifer Recharge to mitigate stormwater flooding phenomena in Rome (Italy)
Published: 20 December 2022966PDF: 794 -
Regulations and guidelines on water quality requirements for Managed Aquifer Recharge. International comparison
Published: 25 June 20201929PDF: 884 -
Hydrogeological characterization and parameters estimation of the aquifer close to the Adige River (Verona, Italy) for the design of deep excavations
Published: 31 January 20191530PDF: 817 -
Water well drilling: tips and key points to consider in water well design
Published: 31 March 2023832PDF: 1008 -
Hydrochemical and isotopic characterization of a complex aquifer system
Published: 31 March 2023535PDF: 372 -
Stochastic analysis of groundwater temperature timeseries for characterizing check dams efficiency: case study on a Managed Aquifer Recharge site (Veneto, Italy)
Published: 20 December 2019893PDF: 427