Search Results
Found 23 items.
Hydrogeological site characterization of marly-silici-calcareous rocks through surveys of discontinuities and pumping tests
Published: 30 June 20121001PDF: 1069 -
Hydraulic characterization of Pwales aquifer in Malta Island preparatory for planning managed aquifer recharge (MAR) pilot plant
Published: 28 March 2024595PDF: 268 -
Using water level and temperature time series to improve hydrogeological parameterization in a complex alluvial system
Published: 20 December 2019882PDF: 532 -
Groundwater flow numerical model to evaluate the water mass balance and flow patterns in Groundwater Circulation Wells (GCW) with varying aquifer parameters
Published: 12 September 20221569PDF: 561 -
Specific yield of aquifer evaluation by means of a new experimental algorithm and its applications
Published: 29 March 20181505PDF: 787 -
Innovative strategies for high resolution site characterization: application to a flood plain
Published: 30 December 20141337PDF: 490 -
Some key issues in the design of water wells in unconsolidated and fractured rock aquifers
Published: 30 September 2012804PDF: 488 -
Insight on the application of graphene to sandy soils to improve water holding capacity
Published: 20 December 2022480PDF: 349 -
Parametric and numerical modeling tools to forecast hydrogeological impacts of a tunnel
Published: 31 March 2022846PDF: 703 -
Sequential direct and inverse modeling of underground flows in the Upper Cheliff Alluvial Aquifer, Algeria
Published: 4 December 2023263PDF: 292 -
Quali-quantitative considerations on low-flow well purging and sampling
Published: 29 September 2021625PDF: 410 -
Hexavalent Chromium: Analysis of the Mechanism of Groundwater Contamination in a Former Industrial Site in the Province of Vicenza (Northern Italy)
Published: 20 October 20161043PDF: 905 -
First results of multidisciplinary investigations for the hydrogeological conceptual modelling of loess deposits in eastern Croatia
Published: 30 March 2020711PDF: 483 -
Preliminary groundwater modelling by considering the interaction with superficial water: Aosta plain case (northern Italy)
Published: 30 March 2013911PDF: 603 -
Hydrogeology of the Karst Area of the Grassano and Telese Springs
Published: 20 December 2019812PDF: 443 -
Application of physical clogging models to Managed Aquifer Recharge: a review of modelling approaches from engineering fields
Published: 27 September 20231112PDF: 503 -
Preliminary results from the use of entrograms to describe transport in fractured media
Published: 18 December 2019997PDF: 465 -
Hydrogeological characterization and parameters estimation of the aquifer close to the Adige River (Verona, Italy) for the design of deep excavations
Published: 31 January 20191530PDF: 817 -
A methodology for the preliminary characterisation of the river boundary condition in finite difference groundwater flow numerical models
Published: 30 September 20191066PDF: 502 -
Opportunities and critical issues related to the use of amendments as sustainable remediation techniques
Published: 31 March 2022992PDF: 524
1 - 23 of 23 items