Search Results
Found 285 items.
Groundwater for urban water supply in Ukraine: a case study of Mykolaiv (Military challenges and lessons for the future)
Published: 30 September 2024218PDF: 162 -
Determining initial viability of local scale managed aquifer recharge projects in alluvial deposition systems
Published: 24 June 20211308PDF: 543 -
Towards elections of the new Committee
Published: 14 June 20161205PDF: 456 -
Remediation of BTEX contaminated groundwater: best technology assessment between pump&treat and bioremediation by oxygen injection
Published: 30 June 2012853PDF: 637 -
Stochastic analysis of groundwater temperature timeseries for characterizing check dams efficiency: case study on a Managed Aquifer Recharge site (Veneto, Italy)
Published: 20 December 2019895PDF: 427 -
Groundwater recharge through wells in open loop geothermal system: problems and solutions - part 1
Published: 20 July 20171404PDF: 741 -
Climate changes and water resource planning: WIZ, an operational tool
Published: 30 September 2013889PDF: 459 -
Understanding karst environments by thermo-hygrometric monitoring: preliminary results from the Cesi Mountain karst system (Central Italy)
Published: 14 June 20161112PDF: 655 -
Assessment of groundwater resources: Nauru project 2010-2019
Published: 26 March 20191306PDF: 536 -
Parametric and numerical modeling tools to forecast hydrogeological impacts of a tunnel
Published: 31 March 2022852PDF: 707 -
An integrated approach to the Environmental Monitoring Plan of the Pertuso spring (Upper Valley of Aniene River)
Published: 30 June 2014804PDF: 375 -
Build quality of groundwater wells and contamination problems
Published: 30 June 2013733PDF: 1811 -
Teaching hydrogeology: epilogue
Published: 3 October 2016848PDF: 427 -
Hydrogeochemical and hydrodynamic features affecting redox processes in groundwater
Published: 30 September 20191159PDF: 602 -
Modeling groundwater/surface-water interactions and their effects on hydraulic barriers, the case of the industrial area of Mantua (Italy)
Published: 28 June 2022666PDF: 633 -
Vulsino volcanic aquifer in Umbria Region : Hydrogeological survey for the characterization of the presence of arsenic and aluminium and the correct use of groundwater
Published: 30 December 20131126PDF: 617 -
Environmental issues due to organohalogenated compounds diffuse pollution in groundwater. Emerging issue in the Roman area?
Published: 30 June 20171359PDF: 762 -
High Resolution Site Characterization as key element for proper design and cost estimation of groundwater remediation
Published: 30 December 2014975PDF: 651 -
Groundwater: mere bureaucracy or appropriate know-how?
Published: 8 June 2018636PDF: 408 -
Study on the water supply of the Montellina Spring by the Renanchio Stream (Quincinetto, Turin)
Published: 30 March 2013783PDF: 676 -
Groundwater in the city of Pesaro (Marche, Italy): anthropic impact and interference with the urban environment
Published: 30 September 2024156PDF: 88 -
Magnesium and groundwater flow relationship in karst aquifers: a tool for exploitation management of springs
Published: 14 November 2023502PDF: 296 -
Using water level and temperature time series to improve hydrogeological parameterization in a complex alluvial system
Published: 20 December 2019883PDF: 532 -
Groundwater in Katowice - center of a large urban and deep coal mining area in Poland
Published: 30 September 2024117PDF: 126 -
Climate and land use changes as origin of the Water Cycle variations and sediment transport in Pesaro Urbino Province, Central and Eastern Italy
Published: 3 October 2016981PDF: 600 -
Guardians of the aquifers: enhancing Rome’s groundwater monitoring network
Published: 30 September 2024171PDF: 127 -
The GRETA project: the contribution of near-surface geothermal energy for the energetic self-sufficiency of Alpine regions
Published: 31 March 20171690PDF: 785 -
Urban Water Management in Milan Metropolitan Area, a review
Published: 30 September 2024447PDF: 145 -
Groundwater and civil protection, what the Italian for "hydrogeological risk" should mean
Published: 20 October 2016959PDF: 933 -
Multi-Technique groundwater flow system analysis and dating of deep aquifers in Alessandria Basin (Piedmont - IT)
Published: 30 March 2020822PDF: 724 -
Mapping natural groundwater potential recharge zones using GIS-AHP in the Upper Cheliff alluvial aquifer, Algeria
Published: 28 March 2024494PDF: 334 -
Different groundwater behaviour in deep karst boreholes: the case of Jadro spring basin (Dinaric karst, Croatia)
Published: 9 November 2023415PDF: 293 -
Analysis of fragmented piezometric levels records: the ARTE (Antecedent Recharge Temporal Effectiveness) approach
Published: 30 June 2022637PDF: 441 -
From Fourier to Darcy, from Carslaw to Theis: the analogies between the subsurface behaviour of water and heat
Published: 30 December 20121251PDF: 1261 -
Remediation of chlorinated solvents with Electrical Resistance Heating (ERH) at an active industrial site in Italy
Published: 27 September 2023665PDF: 338 -
Relationship between rainfall and water table in a coastal aquifer: the case study of Castelporziano presidential estate
Published: 26 March 20191065PDF: 537 -
MAR site suitability mapping for arid–semiarid regions by remote data and combined approach: A case study from Balochistan, Pakistan
Published: 29 September 20211807PDF: 826 -
Hydraulic contacts identification in the aquifers of limestone ridges: tracer tests in the Montelago pilot area (Central Apennines)
Published: 12 August 20161153PDF: 681 -
Flowpath 2023 Conference
Published: 28 March 2024942PDF: 226 -
Organohalogen diffuse contamination in Firenze and Prato groundwater bodies. investigative monitoring and definition of background values
Published: 31 March 201715516PDF: 664 -
Influence of the range of data on the performance of ANN- and SVM- based time series models for reproducing groundwater level observations
Published: 26 March 2019972PDF: 441 -
Thermal conductivity distributed from a Thermal Response Test (TRT) in a borehole heat exchanger (BHE)
Published: 30 December 20121957PDF: 4363 -
Numerical modelling in the coastal aquifer between Burlamacca Canal and Bufalina Ditch, southern Versilia (Tuscany, Italy)
Published: 30 March 2015887PDF: 635 -
Groundwater response to precipitation extremes: the case of the "Vaia" storm (Eastern Italian Alps)
Published: 19 December 20191115PDF: 689 -
[The renewability of the groundwater resource in clean-up interventions: legal assumptions and technical implications of environmental sustainability]
Published: 30 December 2021513PDF: 257 -
A preliminary assessment of the Normative Framework regulating MAR schemes in Europe: the EU Directives and their Implementation in nine National Legislations
Published: 30 September 2014775PDF: 486 -
Hydrochemical and isotopic characterization of a complex aquifer system
Published: 31 March 2023543PDF: 375 -
Spatio-temporal variability of groundwater hydrochemical features in different hydrogeological settings in Piedmont and Campania regions (Italy), a comparative study
Published: 28 March 2024675PDF: 266SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS: 106 -
Impact of North Atlantic Oscillation on water resources in South Western Poland
Published: 23 December 2021628PDF: 306 -
Potential shallow aquifers characterization through an integrated geophysical method: multivariate approach by means of k-means algorithms
Published: 30 June 20171571PDF: 690 -
An integrated methodology to define Protection Zones for groundwaterbased drinking water sources: an example from the Tuscany Region, Italy
Published: 30 March 20151069PDF: 690 -
Multidisciplinary investigations of a karst reservoir for managed aquifer recharge applications on the island of Vis (Croatia)
Published: 31 March 20221131PDF: 608 -
Water resources and main groundwater bodies in the Province of Siena in the framework of the land management plan
Published: 30 March 2020576PDF: 526 -
Model calibration using the automatic parameter estimation procedure (PEST) of the North-eastern zone of the Milan Functional Urban Area (Italy)
Published: 30 June 20181086PDF: 555 -
Managed aquifer recharge in the Marecchia alluvial fan (Rimini - Italy), start of the test and first results
Published: 30 September 2014759PDF: 441 -
Water quality caracterization of Drean-Annaba aquifer (NE Algeria): using hydrochemical and isotopic tools
Published: 30 December 2024197PDF: 82 -
One Year of the new Italian Journal of Groundwater
Published: 20 October 2016995PDF: 600 -
A new tool available for hydrogeologists: the Airborne EM method
Published: 30 December 2014988PDF: 2494 -
Hydrogeology in Algeria - 2nd section
Published: 28 June 2023543PDF: 420 -
Evaluating the feasibility of hydraulic and physical barriers at contaminated sites by means of multicriteria analysis
Published: 30 June 2014755PDF: 1422 -
Environmental hydrochemical and stabile isotope methods used to characterise the relation between karst water and surface water
Published: 31 March 20171277PDF: 693 -
Tight-coupling of groundwater flow and transport modelling engines with spatial databases and GIS technology: a new approach integrating Feflow and ArcGIS
Published: 30 September 20121421PDF: 1890 -
Impact of climatic variability on groundwater resources in the Eastern Mitidja plain, Algeria
Published: 31 March 2023755PDF: 460 -
Evaluation of the performance of a hydraulic barrier by the Null space Monte Carlo method
Published: 20 December 2019712PDF: 578 -
Migration of chlorinated hydrocarbons in multilayer unconsolidated porous media: a case study from the Po Plain, Italy
Published: 15 December 20171067PDF: 506 -
How to manage potential groundwater contaminations by As, Fe and Mn in lower Po Plain: a proposal from the case study of Cremona
Published: 30 June 20141816PDF: 6706 -
GDE - Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems (Gli ecosistemi dipendenti dalle Acque Sotterranee)
Published: 30 June 2015995PDF: 554