Hydrogeological and historical aspects of the water supply of Benevento town since Roman times

Submitted: 29 April 2024
Accepted: 9 September 2024
Published: 30 September 2024
Abstract Views: 35
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The research analyses the historical evolution of the water supply systems of the city of Benevento (southern Italy) during centuries. We focused on three main historical periods, namely the Roman, Lombard and Papal times, and the recent-present times. During this long historical time, the water supply amount and quality have changed many times, and this has probably affected the well-being and growth of the city. The best water quality characterized the Roman times, when large karst springs were tapped, feeding the town for centuries. In this period, the town experienced the largest population expansion. On the other hand, the most depressed period was the Papal times, coinciding with the isolation of the city, as it was an enclave of the Pontifical State. During this period, the water supply from external sources was not guaranteed and therefore it primarily derived from the local, low-quality water resources. Only after the unification of Italy, and also after the Second World War, the water supply systems have been improved, and new aqueducts have brought again high-quality waters to Benevento coming from karst aquifers. Nowadays, the drinking water management of Benevento is still a matter of debate. In the near future, the water from a dam-reservoir (Campolattaro dam, Tammaro River) will be exploited to guarantee the water needs of the city, and water-supply systems will undergo further changes . The knowledge about the historical evolution of the water supply of Benevento represents an essential requirement for consciously analyzing the future planning and management of water resources.

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