[The activity plan for the realization of the Hydrogeological Map of Italy at 1:500,000 scale]

Published: 28 March 2024
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[Article in Italian]

Le attività avviate per la realizzazione di una Carta Idrogeologica d’Italia alla scala 1:500.000



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How to Cite

Gafà, R. M., La Vigna, F., Camera, C. A. S., Martarelli, L., Monti, G. M., Roma, M., … Beretta, G. P. (2024). [The activity plan for the realization of the Hydrogeological Map of Italy at 1:500,000 scale]. Acque Sotterranee - Italian Journal of Groundwater, 13(1), 127–130. https://doi.org/10.7343/as-2024-758

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