Guidelines for sustainable management of groundwater inflows and geothermal heat in tunnels

Published: 21 October 2022
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The Guidelines for sustainable management of groundwater inflows and geothermal heat in tunnels were developed by members of the Italian Committee of the International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH) GESTAG working group. The GESTAG working group was set up by the Italian chapter of the IAH ( This guideline was approved by the Board of the Italian Chapter of the IAH on 20/09/2022.

IAH Italian Committee: Sergio Rusi (President), Stefania Da Pelo (Secretary), Manuela Lasagna, Vincenzo Piscopo, Luca Alberti, Giovanna De Filippis, Diego Di Curzio, Giovanni Forte, Marco Petitta, Elisabetta Preziosi, Marco Rotiroti, Glenda Taddia, Alberto Tazioli, Riccardo Torri, Daniela Valigi, Valentina Vincenzi.

Coordinator of the GESTAG working group: Antonio Dematteis.

Contributing authors: Antonio Dematteis (Chap. 1), Riccardo Torri, (Chap. 2), Fabrizio Grosso and Paolo Perello (Chap. 3), Alessandro Gargini and Valentina Vincenzi (Chap. 4), Antonio Dematteis, (Chap. 5), Marco Barla, Alessandra Insana, Francesco Cecinato, Daniela Blessent, Daniele Pedretti, Paolo Cerutti (Chap. 6), Alessandro Boscaro (Chap. 7), Maria Elena Parisi (Chap. 8), Guido Ruffinatto, Sergio Vazzoler, Antonio Dematteis (Chap. 9), Maria Governa, Luca Ranfagni (Chap. 10) and Valentina Vincenzi (Chap. 11).

Editors: Paolo Cerutti, Alessandro Gargini, and Antonio Dematteis.



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How to Cite

GESTAG working group, I. I. C. .-. (2022). Guidelines for sustainable management of groundwater inflows and geothermal heat in tunnels. Acque Sotterranee - Italian Journal of Groundwater, 11(3).