Search Results
Found 69 items.
Groundwater monitoring in the archaeological site of Ostia Antica (Rome, Italy): first results
Published: 14 June 20161701PDF: 881 -
Hydrogeological site characterization of marly-silici-calcareous rocks through surveys of discontinuities and pumping tests
Published: 30 June 20121002PDF: 1070 -
A proposal of conceptual model for Pertuso Spring discharge evaluation in the Upper Valley of Aniene River
Published: 3 October 20161031PDF: 466 -
Evaluation of groundwater monitoring according to 2000/60/EC and 2006/118/EC directives in Piedmont
Published: 30 September 2013792PDF: 617 -
The Rieti Land Reclamation Authority relevance in the management of surface waters for the irrigation purposes of the Rieti Plain (Central Italy)
Published: 16 September 20161073PDF: 840 -
Groundwater vulnerability assessment: from overlay methods to statistical methods in the Lombardy Plain area
Published: 30 June 20171727PDF: 787 -
Groundwater conservation and monitoring activities in the middle Brenta River plain (Veneto Region, Northern Italy): preliminary results about aquifer recharge
Published: 30 September 2014991PDF: 563 -
Preliminary conceptual model of an Alpine carbonate aquifer (Pale di San Martino, Dolomites, Italy)
Published: 12 August 20162586PDF: 652 -
An integrated approach to the Environmental Monitoring Plan of the Pertuso spring (Upper Valley of Aniene River)
Published: 30 June 2014804PDF: 375 -
Hexavalent Chromium: Analysis of the Mechanism of Groundwater Contamination in a Former Industrial Site in the Province of Vicenza (Northern Italy)
Published: 20 October 20161043PDF: 907 -
Statistical methods and transport modeling to assess PCE hotspots and diffuse pollution in groundwater (Milan FUA)
Published: 15 December 20171285PDF: 556 -
Managed aquifer recharge experiences with shallow wells: first analysis of the experimental activities in the high Vicenza plain (Northern Italy)
Published: 30 September 2014857PDF: 468 -
Groundwater Flow and Transport Model in Cecina Plain (Tuscany, Italy) using GIS processing
Published: 30 March 2015939PDF: 705 -
Understanding karst environments by thermo-hygrometric monitoring: preliminary results from the Cesi Mountain karst system (Central Italy)
Published: 14 June 20161111PDF: 655 -
Field and modeling studies of aquifer heterogeneity to improve remediation planning in a multilayered aquifer system
Published: 30 September 2012924PDF: 675 -
Preliminary chemical characterization of groundwater in the Rome Municipality
Published: 30 December 20151225PDF: 1543 -
Evaluating groundwater residence time in arid aquifers: a crucial metric for monitoring sustainable water management
Published: 30 December 2024133PDF: 49 -
Heat exchange modeling in a multilayered karst aquifer affected by seawater intrusion
Published: 30 November 2015904PDF: 740 -
Contribution to the hydrogeology of Six Hills sandstone aquifer in East El-Oweinat area, south Western desert, Egypt
Published: 30 September 2019892PDF: 518 -
The groundwater monitoring system in Tuscany according to the EU Directive 2000/60 and the groundwater As contamination in the Versilia coastal plain
Published: 30 September 2020456PDF: 320 -
Groundwater resilience, security, and safety in the four largest cities in Denmark
Published: 30 September 2024426PDF: 247 -
Applying the Principal Component Analysis for a deeper understanding of the groundwater system: case study of the Bacchiglione Basin (Veneto, Italy)
Published: 28 June 2022866PDF: 646 -
Some aspects of the state of the art of contaminated sites remediation in Italy
Published: 30 June 2015979PDF: 1049 -
Multi-Technique groundwater flow system analysis and dating of deep aquifers in Alessandria Basin (Piedmont - IT)
Published: 30 March 2020820PDF: 722 -
Guardians of the aquifers: enhancing Rome’s groundwater monitoring network
Published: 30 September 2024169PDF: 125 -
Magnesium and groundwater flow relationship in karst aquifers: a tool for exploitation management of springs
Published: 14 November 2023499PDF: 296 -
Parametric and numerical modeling tools to forecast hydrogeological impacts of a tunnel
Published: 31 March 2022847PDF: 706 -
Multi-isotopic regional-scale screening on drinking groundwater in Lombardy Region (Italy)
Published: 29 March 2021956PDF: 597 -
Geospatial delineation and mapping of groundwater potential in Embu County, Kenya
Published: 15 May 20191873PDF: 833 -
Managed aquifer recharge in the Marecchia alluvial fan (Rimini - Italy), start of the test and first results
Published: 30 September 2014759PDF: 441 -
Assessment of the groundwater quantitative status in the Aosta Plain (North-West Italy): applicability of the national guidelines defined by ISPRA
Published: 25 June 2020977PDF: 562 -
Slovenian test case Vrbanski Plato aquifer in the EU HORIZON 2020 FREEWAT project
Published: 29 September 20172857PDF: 399 -
Impact of hydrogeological factors on geotechnical conditions of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra Monastery complex: lessons from three decades of monitoring
Published: 30 September 2024180PDF: 110Supplementary Materials: 59 -
Quali-quantitative considerations on low-flow well purging and sampling
Published: 29 September 2021626PDF: 411 -
Evaluation of the performance of a hydraulic barrier by the Null space Monte Carlo method
Published: 20 December 2019711PDF: 578 -
Hydrogeochemical and hydrodynamic features affecting redox processes in groundwater
Published: 30 September 20191156PDF: 602 -
Groundwater in the city of Pesaro (Marche, Italy): anthropic impact and interference with the urban environment
Published: 30 September 2024152PDF: 85 -
Stochastic analysis of groundwater temperature timeseries for characterizing check dams efficiency: case study on a Managed Aquifer Recharge site (Veneto, Italy)
Published: 20 December 2019893PDF: 427 -
Groundwater recharge through wells in open loop geothermal system: problems and solutions - part 1
Published: 20 July 20171401PDF: 741 -
The riverbank filtration plant in S. Alessio (Lucca): monitoring and modeling activity within EU the FP7 MARSOL project
Published: 30 September 2014789PDF: 388 -
Groundwater-surface water interaction revealed by meteorological trends and groundwater fluctuations on stream water level
Published: 28 June 2022855PDF: 732 -
Application of chemical reagents as innovative remediation technologies for groundwater impacted by petroleum hydrocarbons in Italy
Published: 30 March 2020822PDF: 768 -
Migration of chlorinated hydrocarbons in multilayer unconsolidated porous media: a case study from the Po Plain, Italy
Published: 15 December 20171065PDF: 506 -
Organohalogen diffuse contamination in Firenze and Prato groundwater bodies. investigative monitoring and definition of background values
Published: 31 March 201715481PDF: 661 -
Numerical modelling in the coastal aquifer between Burlamacca Canal and Bufalina Ditch, southern Versilia (Tuscany, Italy)
Published: 30 March 2015884PDF: 634 -
Opportunities and critical issues related to the use of amendments as sustainable remediation techniques
Published: 31 March 2022995PDF: 525 -
Environmental issues and anthropic pressures in coastal aquifers: a case study in Southern Latium Region
Published: 26 March 20191273PDF: 692 -
Polluted aquifer inverse problem solution using artificial neural networks
Published: 20 December 2022420PDF: 299 -
Resilience to climate change: adaptation strategies for the water supply system of Formia and Gaeta (Province of Latina, Central Italy)
Published: 29 December 202113221PDF: 379 -
Multidisciplinary investigations of a karst reservoir for managed aquifer recharge applications on the island of Vis (Croatia)
Published: 31 March 20221125PDF: 608 -
Impact of climatic variability on groundwater resources in the Eastern Mitidja plain, Algeria
Published: 31 March 2023748PDF: 459 -
Groundwater modeling of the withdrawal sustainability of Cannara artesian aquifer (Umbria, Italy)
Published: 25 September 20181092PDF: 551 -
Relationship between rainfall and water table in a coastal aquifer: the case study of Castelporziano presidential estate
Published: 26 March 20191062PDF: 534 -
Groundwater in the Perthus Tunnel: feedback after excavation
Published: 24 June 2021999PDF: 308 -
Hydrogeology of the Karst Area of the Grassano and Telese Springs
Published: 20 December 2019813PDF: 443 -
Review: Urban Water Security and Safety
Published: 30 September 2024307PDF: 213 -
Signals in water - the deep originated CO2 in the Peschiera-Capone acqueduct in relation to monitoring of seismic activity in central Italy
Published: 20 October 20161040PDF: 861 -
Hydrogeological characterization throughout deep geophysical investigations in the Verrés plain (Aosta Valley, north-western Italian Alps)
Published: 31 March 2017906PDF: 542 -
NECoM (Numerically Enhanced COnceptual Modelling) of two small Maltese Aquifers: Mizieb and Pwales
Published: 29 March 2021986PDF: 649 -
Freshwater-salt water interface dynamics during pumping tests
Published: 26 March 20193703PDF: 595 -
An overview on the state of art on IAH coastal aquifer dynamics and coastal zone website
Published: 26 March 20191313PDF: 462 -
Impact of climate change on the water balance of the Apuo-Versilia plain acquifer (Tuscany, Italy)
Published: 30 September 2020628PDF: 713 -
Recharge process of a dune aquifer (Roman coast, Italy)
Published: 20 December 20181378PDF: 760 -
Studies on water resources salinization along the Italian coast: 30 years of work
Published: 23 December 20211005PDF: 433 -
Regulations and guidelines on water quality requirements for Managed Aquifer Recharge. International comparison
Published: 25 June 20201935PDF: 886 -
Impacts of a railway tunnel on the streams baseflow verified by means of numerical modelling
Published: 29 March 2021504PDF: 538
1 - 69 of 69 items